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Here at the PLC, we offer a multitude of surgical procedures including, but not limited to : routine neuter/spay, mass removals, dental cleanings and tooth extractions, enucleations, and scheduled C-Sections. 

How can I feel safe about my pet going under anesthesia?

Having a pet undergoing any surgery can be very stressful for many pet parents. This is why we have a team of trained professionals that accompany and monitor your pet through every step of the way. From the second your pet receives their pre-anesthetic sedation, to the moment they wake up, a licensed veterinary technician will be monitoring your pet with the help of surgical monitoring equipment and years of experience. 

Why should I spay or neuter my pet?

Spaying or neutering your pet can help prevent a variety of issues, such as unwanted pregnanies and/or complications at birth, mammary tumors, pyometra, and prostate cancer. It can even in some cases help curb unwanted behaviours such as roaming, spraying, and some types of aggression.  

When should I spay or neuter my pet?

Females should be spayed before their first heat to decrease the risk of potential reproductive system illnesses such as mammary tumors and pyometra. It is normally recommended to have cats, as wells as small and medium breed dogs fixed at around 6 months of age. For larger breed dogs, it is recommended to wait until they are closer to their adult weight to reduce stunted growth and future potential bone & joint issues.

What is gastropexy and when should I get it done?

Gastropexy is an elective surgery that can help prevent a very serious and life-threatening condition called Gastric-Dilatation Volvulus (GDV). GDV occurs when food and/or gas accumulate in the stomach with no way to exit. This accumulation of air causes extreme pressure in the stomach and has severe consequences such as restricted blood flow from the abdomen to the heart, rupturing of the stomach wall, difficulty breathing, etc. This condition is an emergency and is often fatal if not caught in time. Gastropexy is recommended for large, deep-chested dogs, as they are the most as risk for GDV. This surgery is an easy and safe procedure that be done at the time of spay/neuter.

Why does my pet need full anesthesia for a dental cleaning?

Full anesthesia is required during a dental cleaning for multiple reasons. Dental procedures can be very invasive for pets, and doing them while awake could be dangerous not only for your pet but also for the staff performing the surgery. Performing a dental cleaning with sedation only would also be dangerous, as sedated animals have decreased reflexes such as swallowing. Dental work requires lots of water to rinse the teeth and gums, and with a decreased swallow reflex, your pet could aspirate these fluids into their lungs. Having our patients under anesthesia allows us to safely execute the procedure as quickly and effectively as possible. Additionally, many of our dental patients require teeth extractions. Anesthesia allows us to provide your pet with the proper pain control so that they don't feel any pain while we are removing teeth. 

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